Writing college essays for money
Professional Career Goals Essay Job Application Samples
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
How effective were attempts to protect soldiers in the war Essay
How successful were endeavors to secure fighters in the war - Essay Example This security procedure was subject to marksman assurance who remained vigil over the ground at a key vantage point where they would fire a foe who moved toward the channels. The security of the warriors in the channels is in this way reliant on the expert rifleman. As a defensive methodology this was very ineffectual as at times the foes got unnoticed thus assaulting and killing the officials in channels. The warriors hiding in channels as a defensive technique for the troopers was not effective as it brought about loss of lives of the officers ( Grayzel 76). For the detainee at war, they were kept in unfortunate conditions that made them very awkward. The distinctive clarification of the conditions where they were kept with absence of enough food and general supplies feature the absence of adequacy in the insurance systems of fighters during the World War I period. The letters uncover how they were kept in the military enclosure where they were very packed and no space for resting agreeable. In light of such like wretched conditions, it brought about passings of detainees of war all the while. In spite of the way that they were detainees of war, as human right they should have been ensured and rewarded in a human manner. This anyway was not the situation as they were left for dead and endurance like pigs. Numerous human rights activists were of the sentiment that such like treatment of detainees of war was not a successful war methodology to secure the troopers. The food was likewise proportioned in one of the letters the warrior depicts the condition as â€Å"the detainees will have just 12 ounces of bread a day†( Grayzel 77). This demonstrates the extraordinary degree to which they were denied the essential human right of endurance. Notwithstanding the cruel climate conditions the warriors were not all around taken consideration off as respects comfortable garments in the winter. The clean conditions in dormitory were likewise needing. By and large the treatment and assurance
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Max Planck :: essays research papers
Max Planck On April 23, 1858 Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck was conceived in Kiel, Germany. He was the 6th offspring of a law teacher at the University of Kiel. At the age of nine his enthusiasm for material science and arithmetic was created by his educator Hermann Muller. At the point when he graduated at seventeen years old he chose to pick material science over music for his vocation. In spite of the fact that he is know for material science he was an outstanding piano player who had procured the endowment of having the option to hear total pitch. His preferred works of music were known to be Schubert and Brahms. Entering the University of Munich in 1874 he got little motivation and was neutral at the University of Berlin which was between the long periods of 1877 and 1878. He thusly did free examinations principally on Rudolf Clausius' compositions of thermodynamics which roused him and in July 1879 he got his doctoral degree at the age of twenty-one. He turned into a speaker at the University of Munich. His dad helped him be elevated to relate teacher at Kiel by methods for proficient associations. At thirty years old he was elevated to full educator at the University of Berlin. After he chose to turn into a hypothetical physicist he began a mission for outright laws. His preferred outright law was the law of the protection of vitality which was the primary law of thermodynamics that expressed that you could take any equivalent measure of vitality and change it into a similar equivalent measure of vitality preferably, which means no vitality was lost. The second law of thermodynamics drove him to find the quantum of activity or Planck's consistent h. How he happened upon his recipe for quantum mechanics well be clarified as follows. Planck saw that blackbody radiation acted in an outright sense since it was characterized by Kirchhoff as a substance that could ingest practically all transmitting vitality and radiate all that it had consumed superbly which is related with the primary law of thermodynamics. By utilizing different analyses and hypothetical disappointments numerous researchers attempted to locate the ghastly vitality dissemination to attempt to draw a chart of a bend that demonstrated the measure of radiation emitted at various frequencies for a blackbody with a given temperature. At that point utilizing Wien's law which worked out for high frequencies yet didn't work for low, he saw a relationship with the science of the entropy of the radiation in the high- recurrence waves in connection to the low recurrence waves and he speculated on the off chance that he joined the two in the least complex manner that he would get a recipe that identified with
Thursday, July 30, 2020
And Im leaving, on a . . . cruise ship
And I’m leaving, on a . . . cruise ship Melis just blogged about Senior Ball so I figured that itd be a good time to blog about a nice little semi-formal event that wasnt just for seniors. Also, be warned that another installment of this entry may crop up because JKim was around for this too. Burton-Conner had a dinner cruise tonight where we were wined (21+) and dined (everybody!), danced, and generally enjoyed each others company. Before the buses left for the dock you could see long lines of nicely dressed Burton-Conner residents walking down dorm row, obviously heading somewhere exciting. As you may or may not know, dances are not my scene. One of the stereotypes at MIT is that we are nerds that are totally socially inept and get all flustered, panicked, and uncomfortable at dances. This stereotype is widely disproven by many students at MIT. . . not by me. However, since it was a dorm trip, free, and a bunch of friends were going, I decided that I could suck it up, step out of my comfort zone, go, and god forbid maybe have a good time. We arrived at the dock and waited around for a bit before actually getting onto the ship. This is when Jared 10 and Yuki 11 thought it would be a great idea to swap jackets. While the black jacket with blue shirt looks fine on Jared (although a bit big), Yukis outfit was an assault on my eyes. Red shirt, purple tie, black pants, blue jacket, and blue (different shade!) beanie. Laughs were had, pictures were taken, and eventually they adjusted their wardrobes so as to prevent me from sobbing (look, sitting in a room with my mother while she watches a cocktail of What Not to Wear, E!, Americas Next Top Model, and Entertainment Tonight has taught me to appreciate color pairing and fashion. This is atypical for a guy, I have a skill that many males lack). Soon we were aboard the ship and putt-putt-putted away from the dock. A bunch of us went to the upper deck to enjoy the view, weather, and more photo opportunities. I tried to take a picture of (from left) Cathy 10, Wesley 10, and Mason 10 but Sauza 11 decided to intervene and provide one of the best pictures of the night. Next, for the group shot, the obligatory handing out of cameras happened. Let me explain this to you. If you are going to be in a group shot and want the picture you have to hand your camera to somebody so that they can take the picture. After the shot you walk over and retrieve your camera. This normally works quite well, as evidenced by the group shot photo that is now in my possession. There are only two issues with this picture. The first is that because of the angle you cant see me. I promise Im there. See the guy on the far right? Does his face look a little long? Thats because a sliver of my face appears to be molded into his. Awesome. The second issue is that after the picture was taken my camera disappeared. This makes camera retrieval difficult. I wandered around the upper deck looking for my camera when I finally spotted it. I commenced with the camera retrieval segment of the group shot and flipped on my camera to see how it had turned out. Instead of seeing the wonderful picture you just saw, I saw this: Interesting. Not only had my camera been hijacked but it had also been used to take random pictures. I perused them. I felt a bit like Ashton Kutcher in his new commercial for Axe, except that instead of hot girls running round with my camera taking pictures of other hot girls I ended up with pictures of sailors. : ( Then, the sunset. This was one of the big motivations for coming on the cruise (other than food). The sunset was awesome, especially from the deck of a cruise ship. Finally it was time for some dancing. Thats right I danced. I dont dance. I danced. Rick 09 also danced, as evidenced by . . . He even helped Wesley dance. After mucho dancing, much eating, and mucho view-enjoying our three hour cruise was over and it was time to head back to the dorm. Everybody stripped out of their fancy clothes (replacing them with comfy clothes) and the majority of Conner 2 settled in to enjoy some good ol fashioned Mario Kart Wii. Now, after a thrilling day of homework, cruising, and racing, its time for bed, so I bid you adieu and wish you goodnight.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Sigmund Freud s Theory Of Personality, Cognitive...
Sigmund Freud; 1856- 1939, an Austrian doctor was one of the pioneers in studying the nature of personality, cognitive development, and infancy, and also remarked how important the first years of the individual’s life are for future development of the mentioned characteristics (Coon Mitterer, 2012). According to John W. Satrock behavior; as part of the psychoanalitic theories, is merely a surface characteristic and a true and deep understanding of development is require to analize the symbolic meaning of behavior and the deep inner workings of the mind, and as an example, how early experiences with parents extensively shape development in diferent areas (Santrock, 2011). Doctor Freud believed that all thoughts, emotions, and actions, are determined. In other words, nothing is an accident: If we probe deeply enough we will find the causes of every thought or action. He also believed that unconscious processes (not external stimuli) were responsible. In addition, Freud theorize d that the core of personality is formed before age 6 and a series of psychosexual stages, and believed that erotic urges in childhood have lasting effects on development (Coon Mitterer, 2012) Then, Freud formed five psychosexual stages; the oral, anal, latency, and genital. At each stage a different part of the body becomes a child’s primary erogenous zone, and each area serves a main source of pleasure, frustration, and self-expression. He assumed that many adult personality traits might beShow MoreRelatedMy Future Specialization Will Be Working With Children And Adolescent921 Words  | 4 Pagesbehaving in a manner that is unhealthy for them. Then I will use the theory that is more in place helping me in helping them manage what they experienced or are experiencing with a more optimistic attitude. For example, there are many children and youth who are still trying to determine â€Å"who they are and their purpose in life†. As Erikson 1950, 1968; and Ferrer-Wrede r et al (2008 as cited in Wiley et al, (2011) mentions, identity development has been connected to psychological reformation both hypotheticallyRead MoreErikson s Psychosocial Theory : Development Of Ego Identity1293 Words  | 6 PagesPsychosocial theory Erik Erikson was a student of another theorist, Sigmund Freud. Erikson expanded on Freud’s psychosexual theory. Erikson later developed the psychosocial theory. This theory described the effect of one’s social experiences throughout one’s whole lifespan. One of the main elements of Erikson’s psychosocial theory is the development of ego identity. Ego identity is the conscious sense of self that we develop through social interaction. The ego was taken from Freud’s theory. EriksonRead MorePsychoanalysis : A Systematic Structure Of Theories Regarding The Relations Of Conscious And Unconscious Psychological Processes1534 Words  | 7 PagesPsychoanalysis is a systematic structure of theories concerning the relations of conscious and unconscious psychological processes (Dictionary). Psychoanalysis comes from the German word Psychoanalyse which means to investigate or to treat. By this means whatever troubles or nightmare that someone has in their u nconscious mind or a dream, it is tied to an event or situation in that person’s life. This term was introduced by Josef Braur and his then assistant Sigmund Freud in 1895 when they both wrote StudiesRead MoreA Summary of the Psychodynamic Theory and Sigmund Freuds Ideas1826 Words  | 7 PagesIt is difficult to summarize psychodynamic theory without a brief discussion of Freud. Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis, the father of psychodynamic theory, and in effect the father of modern psychotherapy. Freuds notions retain quite a bit of popularity, especially his ideas that things are not what they seem on the surface. Because of his understanding of the mind and behavior, Freud considered that overt behaviors were not always self-explanatory (or perhaps not often explanatoryRead MoreTheories Of Developmental Psychology : Attachment Theory1178 Words  | 5 PagesDescribe and evaluate two theories in developmental psychology Attachment theory, it refers to an affectionate bond. â€Å"A relatively extended and enduring connection with the partner is important as a unique individual is interchangeable with no other†Ainsworth (1989) cited in Gross (2003) hand out in class (03/06/2013).The aim of this attachment is for the infant to remain in close proximity to the attachment figure as she is considered the secure base and the infant would become distressed on separationRead MoreThe Application Of Psychological Perspectives Essay1397 Words  | 6 Pages psychological and environmental factors.†There are numerous schools of psychology with many contrasting theories including the Humanist School, the Cognitive School, the Ecological School etc. However, I will discuss the similarities and differences between the Psychodynamic School, of Psychology and the Behaviourist School of Psychology. I will include such psychologists as Sigmund Freud and Eric Erikson in my discussion of the psychodynamic school and physiologist Ivan Pavlov and psychologistRead MoreThe Eight Crisis Stages Of Erik Erikson Development Theory1456 Words  | 6 PagesA theory is defined by an interrelated, coherent set of ideas that help to explain phenomena and facilitate predictions. With development the series of age-related changes that happen over the course of a life span which theorist observe these developments as a series of stages during which individuals displays qualities of behavior patterns. There are five theoretical orientation to development such as psychoanalytic, cognitive, behavioral and social cognitive, ethological, and ecologicalRead MoreCognitive Psychology : The Mind As An Information Processor1331 Words  | 6 PagesThough we may not realize it nor want to acknowledge it, Cognitive Psychology is a part of every human s daily life. Cognitive Psychology is the scientific study of the mind as an information processor. In a simpler definition, it is the study of how our minds interpret and process things that we either are informed of or something we take into thought. Cognitive Psychology is a part of our attention process, language use, our memory for both long and short term, perception, problem solving, creativityRead MoreCounselling Theories1817 Words  | 8 PagesASSIGNMENT 1: COUNSELLING THEORIES Question 1: Briefly describe the key concepts PSYCHOANAYLYTIC THERAPY This study explored the method of psychoanalytic therapy which was originated by Sigmund Freud as basically deterministic, in the Freudian’s view of human nature. In which free association, dream interpretation, and analysis of transference are used to explore repressed or unconscious impulses, anxieties, and internal conflicts, in order to free psychic energy for mature loveRead MoreTheoretical Approaches And Theories Of Psychology1803 Words  | 8 Pagesapproaches and theories used in psychology. The behaviourists believed that all behaviour is learned through the environment. They suggest that we learn through classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning was discovered by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov 1902. Classical conditioning suggests that all behaviour is learnt through association. Pavlov discovered this through his works with dogs. It was also believed that classical conditioning can lead to the development of phobias
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Cultural Context Essay Samples - Is it a Scam?
Cultural Context Essay Samples - Is it a Scam? Religion and family appear to be absolutely the most typical influences overall. For instance, your essay may concentrate on how the rural farm photography of Walker Evans could have influenced Roosevelt's desire to come up with the Farm Security Administration. The African Slave Trade was the biggest migration of people of the world. Express your opinion on the way the author influenced you through his creation, and what exactly you think is the principal response he originally meant to create. What You Need to Do About Cultural Context Essay Samples Starting in the Next 9 Minutes Thus, a patient's capability to select their physician becomes a significant part a healthcare system. For quite a while, the most important excellent measure in, for instance, cancer care has been, what's the 5-year survival rate. There lots of doctors in urban locations, but patients in rural areas often will need to travel a very long distance to find specialists. An person's possession of requisite skills for making health-related decisions, meaning health literacy always has to be examined in the context of the particular tasks that should be accomplished. What You Need to Do About Cultural Context Essay Samples Before You Miss Your Chance Getting in a position to recognize the sort of reflection makes it possible for you to deliver the correct discussion. It's crucial, however, you don't confuse context with cause. An individual must always analyze the context of the job. It may consist of cultural contexts and stylistic influences from different artists. Definitions of Cultural Context Essay Samples Quite simply, what proportion of patients that are diagnosed with a particular sort of cancer at a certain stage of that cancer will nonetheless be alive in 5 decades. The choice each one takes in order to handle conflict has a tremendous effect on the way that they relate to one another and the last resolution. May be a man is on their religious pilgrimage, or perhaps they want to find land to cultivate and settle for their families, or just want to explore, regardless of what the reason behind the travel, men and women in the ancient world required to trade goods and services along the manner in order to produce a living and survive. So be cautious whilst taking something from the context, as you're able to be easily misunderstood. The journey proved to be a traumatic time for those laves. Especially, because the intellectual son will likely be the agent because of his jock brothers! The very best writer is the person who admits to being in a need of assistance. Irrespective of your plans after, being a fantastic writer and very clear thinker will provide you with a leg up your competition. Assorted writers like Thornton and Blanchard have produced different direction manners which are typically employed. You have to come up with an idea based on the way in which the documentary touched you. Biographical Essays will permit the writer who has learned how to compose an art essay to analyze the artist's individual life and the way it influences her or his work. The cost of an essay depends upon the total amount of effort the writer has to exert. The Mona Lisa is the painting which everyone wishes to see. A designer requires a lot more than only the talent in drawing. With respect to an assessment of a young child, the youngster is the primary focus of the assessment. Therefore, many students and employees decide to obtain inexpensive essay rather than writing it themselves. Once you comprehend the prompt, it is possible to now brainstorm and draft your college application essay. Pattern high school essays incorporate a specific analysis part that examines the caliber of the paper. Cultural Context Essay Samples - What Is It? Based on the approach which you might desire to pursue, there are particular considerations about how to compose a reaction paper to a documentary you ought to make. Your reflective writing is going to be based on the notes you made. It is possible to either opt to support the arguments or ideas in the movie , or concentrate on disputing them. In writing, it's frequently essential to present new words, concepts and information which can develop a notion. The absolute most relevant and important data that you will use to show your argument. For any part of evidence, explain the way that it supports your suggestions and arguments. Describe whether it's a plain narrative, or if it's dialogue based. Too complex statements are usually confusing. Working in partnership is a rather important portion of social work. There are various phases of assessment within social work. A project proposal should stick to the suitable format. It consists of the rationale and logical idea that went behind the commencement of the project. General historical information can be connected in your words. It's possible to also do some investigating to learn more about the points to discuss as a way to present a logical and compelling review. You may finish your analysis by including several other pieces, should they fit into the identical concept. Any time critical analysis is necessary, you might need to think about historical context too.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Human Resources Management Outsourcing Free Essays
Outsourcing certain human resources roles can save an organization time and money in many respects. While it is not necessary or often feasible to outsource all human resources roles, outsourcing various functions can help reduce overhead and result in greater efficiency in some organizations. To save money however organizations must decide what human resources roles can be effectively outsourced to save money and not impeded performance or harm the organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Human Resources Management: Outsourcing or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper will discuss the benefits of outsourcing certain human resources roles, including payroll, benefits administration and recruitment and selection. By outsourcing each of these roles an organization can reduce overhead, risk and save valuable time when conducting normal business operations. These ideas are explored below. Outsourcing typically reduces the number of human resources staff necessary on hand to handle ordinary HRM activities (Sims, 2002). Outsourcing involves â€Å"long term contractual relationships†with businesses and external providers (Lever, 1997:37). Outsourcing relationships are increasingly common in human resources. Outsourcing can provide organizations with multiple competitive advantages, including cost savings. There are many roles that an organization can outsource to save money. Some of the more common roles that organizations are outsourcing to save money include payroll and benefits administration and employee hiring or recruitment (Lever, 1997). By outsourcing these functions an organization can maintain a smaller personnel base and reduce the number of experts needed to manage the human resources function (Lever, 1997). Outsourcing experts can recommend the best methods for conducting payroll and can handle the often lengthy administrative tasks associated with benefits administration. By outsourcing the recruitment and selection process an organization can rest assured that well qualified experts will screen candidates, background check candidates, and ensure that the best employees are hired to handle core competencies. In most organizations even if an external party manages the recruitment and selection process, internal managers or representatives still have the opportunity to meet with potential candidates and determine whether or not they are a good fit for the organization or a given team. Outsourcing can help reduce the business risks associated with hiring, payroll and benefits administration. Outsourcing companies share the burden of risk for all employees they recommend to a company and all job roles they carry out within the organization. For this reason they typically operate under stringent guidelines, policies and procedures that ensure optimal delivery of service. HRM typically focuses much attention on risk management. By outsourcing certain functions in an organization however, the firm will not only save money but also valuable time, and can concentrate its attention on building or developing other programs including employee rewards and recognition programs. It is important to note that most organizations will have to pay a premium price to outsource to certain experts (Lever, 1997). In larger organizations this may still result in a cost savings, when compared with the expense of paying annual salaries to multiple internal experts in charge of payroll, recruitment and benefits administration. It is important that each company take into consideration their unique situation and decide whether or not outsourcing makes sense in the long term. Outsourcing can provide substantial savings when it comes to filling positions requiring specialized skills (Lever, 1997). Traditionally human resource managers have spent hundreds of hours researching candidates to select ideal candidates for hard to fill positions. This often results in high expenditures. If a candidate does not work out, the cost to re-recruit and re-train a new candidate can be debilitating. Fortunately most outsourcing recruitment agencies provide access to specialized who are highly skilled and have access to networks of specialized candidates to choose from. Because the outsourcing agencies only task is to fill this position or others rather than handle multiple roles for the organization, they can often find a candidate more efficiently and quickly. They chances that a candidate will stay with the firm long term are also much higher due to better screening methods and more skills training and testing (Lever, 1997). Outsourcing does change the culture within an organization, but this change is not necessarily one that is negative. In fact, outsourcing can bring about positive change within the organization. Many employees fear that outsourcing is negative, a means by which an organization replaces internal candidates with external specialists. While this is true, in many organizations outsourcing makes sense and can benefit employees and managers alike in the long term. An organization that saves money outsourcing can redirect those funds into employee promotion programs and employee incentive programs. Outsourcing certain job roles including payroll, benefits administration and recruiting and hiring can result in risk reduction for an organization, can save an organization much time and often results in cost savings in the long run. These benefits of course are provided when the organization takes it’s time to select an appropriate vendor to meet its needs and fulfill its obligations. How to cite Human Resources Management: Outsourcing, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
National Collective Action Essays - James Madison, United States
National Collective Action The framers of the U.S. Constitution were men who wanted to solve the problems of collective action and agency loss. The Articles of Confederation contained many weaknesses, and to amend this, the framers sought to create a strong central government that could delegate authority and cut down transaction costs. Many compromises were necessary in order to solve these conflicts. The framers adopted certain changes that helped to balance the need for effective national collective action against the dangers inherent in the delegation of any authority. This balance represented the political theory that was the basis for the Constitution, and it created the background for the incredibly arduous equality struggle endured by African Americans. The first task that needed to be accomplished at the Constitutional Convention was disposing of the Articles of Confederation. Under this document, there was no strong central government and legislature could not impose taxes. Instead, they had to rely on the states to voluntarily contribute tax money, which created a huge free rider problem and would not let the US pay off the debts incurred during the war. There was also no central currency under the Articles of Confederation, which led to an unstable economy and high transaction costs during trade. The framers knew that in order to solve these problems, they needed to create a strong central government that could delegate authority and cut down transaction costs. The conflicts and compromises that ensued because of this decision would frame the United States government. In settling these conflicts, the framers of the Constitution attempted to protect against the dangers inherent in the delegation of authority to government officials required to produce it. For example, the fight between sparsely populated states and heavily populated states for representation was settled by creating a bicameral Congress. This revelation was a product of Madison's blueprint for a new Constitution, now known as the Virginia Plan. It was the first major step in shifting the focus of deliberations from fixing the confederation to reconsidering the requirements of a national union, and it provoked the proposal of the New Jersey Plan, which advocated state power. With a bicameral legislature, two houses would exist within the government. The Great Compromise stipulated that a lower chamber (House of Representatives) would be composed of representatives based on pop ulation, while an upper chamber would consist of equal representation for every state. The authority to levy taxes was reserved to the lower chamber as well. This was one of the ways the framers of the Constitution ensured against the abuse of delegated authority while pursuing the effective collective action they needed. The framers feared that a concentration of power in any one group or branch of government would lead to tyranny. In an effort to avoid the domination of government by one group, they devised the system of checks and balances in the Constitution. In this system, each of the three branches has some capacity to limit the power of the other two. It largely originated with the French philosopher Charles de Montesquieu, who argued that the power to govern could be effectively limited by dividing it among multiple branches of government. For example, while Congress passes legislation, the president can veto that legislation, and courts can declare executive acts unconstitutional. The executive was decidedly to be chosen in a manner that exercised the states' rights as the electoral college was created. This inspired political parties, for there was no other easy way to gain the majority of electors. The framers also agreed to include the Bill of Rights in the Constitution to ensure that cit izens would not be tyrannized by the powerful elite. The framers created multiple ways to amend the Constitution so that power did not rest too heavily upon one group. One way allowed states to begin the amendment promise, while another began it with Congress. Although this system of operation represents the need for effective national collective action, the framers had to come up with a way to protect against those with delegated power. Because of this, the Constitution allows an amendment to be proposed either by a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress of by an application from two-thirds of the states.
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